Sunday, August 31, 2014

Psychonauts First Impressions

I buy a lot of charity bundles. I figure that if I don’t play video games all too often, I might as well amass a digital collection and donate to good causes. This gives me an incentive to try out video games I might otherwise not pay attention too, which is a shame given some of the titles I own. On one summer night I downloaded through my Humble Bundle library an action platformer from a developer I greatly admire and played through the first level or so. It might be too late to be relevant since I already started soon, but it’s still August, so I am finding time to talk about Psychonauts, Double Fine’s first retail video game release.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Blackwell Legacy Review

As I continue to rack up games in my collection, I need to find ways to justify actually playing them. One reason to go through and beat a game is to get all of the trading cards for crafting badges during a Steam holiday sale. An hour or two of trying out something in my library is enough to get all of the card drops, and if the game is short, a chance to write about something I liked. Thus I started playing the Blackwell series, and I can tell you why I would recommend this adventure game to others. Additionally, since I did not need to spend much time reaching the ending, I can review it rather than give a first impression.